Published: 31 March 2023
From: Culture
Get down to Tilgate Park this Easter for free family fun in our Easter trail.
Follow the trail to visit our eight participating park partners and find the answers to the trail questions. Send your answers to by 17 April for the chance to win a family entry ticket to Tilgate Nature Centre.
Follow the trail..

Map key:
- Tilgate Forest Golf Centre -What colour is Daisy's hat?
- The Lakeside Cafe - Do you know the names of Daisy's Friends?
- Tilgate Watersports - Who does the pink & green spotty egg belong to?
- Go Ape - What colour egg can you find first?
- Smith & Western - What item of clothing are the eggs hidden behind?
- Ice cream parlour - How many eggs can you see?
- Walled Garden Cafe - What animal is Mr Flop?
- Tilgate Park Nature Centre - How many eggs are in the basket?
Picture Hunt
For little ones who don't want to answer the questions, here's a picture hunt. Please note there's no prize for this one!
Terms and Privacy
Nature Centre Family entry prize is based on two adults and two children. No cash alternative is offered.
Closing date for enteries is noon on Monday 17th April 2023. The winner will be notified by email after Wednesday 20th April 2023.
Email addresses will not be used for any other purposes and will be deleted once the prize draw has taken place.